Online voting results of Internet Society Georgia Chapter

Online voting results of Internet Society Georgia Chapter

On January 18-21, 2022, Internet Society Georgia Chapter conducted an online voting on the following issues:

Internet Society Georgia Chapter should be 

  • registered society [Non-profit (non-commercial) legal entity]
  • unregistered society

Internet Society Georgia Chapter should 

  • have a membership fee of 10 GEL per year
  • must not have a membership fee

According to the voting results it was decided that Internet Society Georgia Chapter should be registered as a non-governmental organization and a membership fee of 10 GEL per year should be imposed.

Voting results

Number of members allowed to vote – 77, participated – 73%, 56 participants. A quorum is enough to make a decision.

The first issue of the agenda, the status of the Internet Society Georgia Chapter – 56 participants:

  • supporters of registered society – 86%, 48 participants
  • supporters of unregistered society – 14%, 8 participants

The first issue of the agenda, the imposition of a membership fee – 56 participants:

  • supporters – 75%, 42 participants
  • against – 25%, 14 participants

Decisions on both issues are made by the number of votes established by the current charter.